Fixing ‘Broken’ Legacy Systems with Modern EDI

Modernizing Your EDI

Legacy systems are often tough to move on from. They’ve been (mostly) dependable over the years, and companies have grown accustomed to them. Whether it’s the familiarity or the fear of the unknown, if it ain’t broke, don’t try to fix it.

The problem, however, is it is broken.

Homegrown environments have become just too cumbersome to manage and don’t offer the same benefits that modern technology does. Homegrown, custom-coded solutions lead to brittle and complex infrastructure, which only those who designed the code truly understand. As far as EDI goes, if a company is still relying on outdated and legacy systems in 2021 the odds of an EDI file transfer error just went up drastically.

Just how easy is it to determine where and why an EDI file transfer error happened?

Eliminating EDI File Transfer Errors

Custom tools simply cannot deliver the centralized monitoring, reporting, and visibility into EDI and non-EDI transactions that companies today require. On top of that, organizations without a modernized EDI platform will soon find themselves spending endless hours digging through logs to try and pinpoint where things went wrong.

As many as 22% of IT decision-makers said legacy technologies cause significant delays in generating revenue due to the slow onboarding processes of new customers and trading partners. To keep up with the competition and deliver the customer experience that your customers not only want but require, that is simply a risk that enterprises can’t take.

As enterprises take on new trading partners and services within their digital ecosystem or migrate applications onto the cloud, legacy systems will not provide the flexibility, scalability, and efficiency that a centralized platform does. Not having the ability to handle multiple data types, poor data security, as well as the aforementioned bulky integration and customization processes all lead up to one basic principle – companies shouldn’t continue to rely on outdated technology.

Manually re-entering faxed or emailed purchase orders, invoices, and any other EDI documents often lead to wasted time, money, and seemingly endless data errors. The time to eliminate those time-consuming manual processes and customization is now. Enterprises need a solution that accelerates order-to-cash and procure-to-pay workflows and speeds time to value.

A Better, Automated Way to Conduct EDI

EDI is integral to the B2B industry and remains the standard. This is why modern companies need a modern EDI solution to conduct business. 

Enterprises stand to significantly improve their data exchange capabilities, enhance partner relationships, and also reduce the risk of costly errors by consolidating integrations among your business systems. Organizations that do decide to replace a legacy system must ensure that they can quickly and easily make the move without disrupting existing business workflows and processes, and enterprise integration technology enables a successful data migration.

Modernizing your EDI integration positions your company to take on new business and respond quickly to customer and trading partner requests. The last thing you need is to disrupt your data flow and business processes because your environment isn’t up to date. Here are a few ways a modernized EDI system can enable game-changing business advantages. 

Cleo Integration Cloud elevates your EDI integration processes and streamlines your B2B communications. Cleo Integration Cloud helps automate your EDI processes to connect, transform, and route your EDI and non-EDI transactions through your ecosystem without piling on the custom code.

Modernize Your EDI Today

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Cleo helps organizations quickly onboard and automate every API and EDI integration directly into any back-office application and gain complete end-to-end visibility for every B2B transaction.
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