EDI 140

Product Registration

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What is an EDI 140?
The EDI 140 Product Registration specifies the manufacturer, seller, secondary warranter, and purchaser or lessee of the product. It can specify the date the product was sold, delivered, and placed in service as well as identify the product model and serial numbers. It can also specify the class of service expected from this individual sale, for example: industrial, commercial, or household.

This registration information can be used to divide sales commissions among sales associates or attribute license fees to the proper manufacturer. It can be used to submit many product registrations at one time to one receiving organization.


How is an EDI 140 used?
An EDI 140 Product Registration is used for specifying the manufacturer, secondary warrantor, seller, and purchaser or lessee of a product. Here are the data elements of the EDI 140:

  • Date the product was sold
  • Date of delivery
  • Date the product was made available for service
  • Product model
  • Serial numbers
  • Class of service expected from the individual sale


Accredited Standards Committee X12. ASC X12 Standard [Table Data]. Data Interchange Standards Association, Inc., Falls Church, VA. http://www.x12.org

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