EDI 864 - Text Message

Read the guide below to learn about the EDI 864.

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EDI Transaction Header

What is an EDI 864?

The EDI 864 is a transaction set in electronic data interchange that serves as a substitute for emails, faxes, or phone calls. It's utilized by suppliers, manufacturers, 3PLs, retailers, and other partners in the supply chain for sending free-form text. Although commonly used for one-time communications, some companies opt to make it their standard communication method.


These EDI 864 documents adhere to the x12 format specified by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), a non-profit organization regulating EDI formats in the U.S.


How to use an EDI 864?

The EDI 864 serves multiple communication purposes. It can convey information about new store or distribution center openings, changes to operational hours, or other important business details. Additionally, EDI 864 is useful for reporting errors in other EDI documents, addressing issues like data inaccuracies or price discrepancies.


EDI 864 Benefits

The EDI 864 streamlines the communication process, reducing the likelihood of errors associated with manual data entry. It provides a standardized format for conveying the necessary information, making it easier for both the manufacturer and the suppliers to understand and implement the changes.


In complying with a trading partner's EDI requirements, Cleo facilitates a quick and easy transition to meet those standards.


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EDI 864 Essential Components

The essential components of EDI 864 lack extensive standardization due to its flexible nature. Typically, an EDI 864 includes:


  • - Message Date & Time

  • - Sender & Receiver Identification

  • - Free-Form Message Text

EDI 855 document components in CIC

EDI 864 Specification

This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data content of the Text Message Transaction Set (864) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to provide users with a capability to electronically move messages, contracts, explanations, and other one-time communications. It is the intent of this transaction set to provide electronic communication (messages) for people, not for computer processing. The use of the transaction set to transmit quasi or unique transaction set standards is discouraged. The use of the Text Message transaction set demands of the sender certain detailed information about the recipient. The transaction set's purpose is to provide communication to the recipient in some human-readable form. The recipient's network will dictate what capabilities are available for delivery of the information. It is the responsibility of the sender to obtain this information and include it in the transmission.



Accredited Standards Committee X12. ASC X12 Standard [Table Data]. Data Interchange Standards Association, Inc., Falls Church, VA. https://x12.org/index.php/products/transaction-sets

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