Onboard and connect 10x faster with award-winning AS2 software

Easily onboard and connect to large supply chain companies / trading partners and quickly exchange EDI documents. Cleo's AS2 integration software powers your business exchanges and securely facilitates data exchanges with your customers, suppliers, and partners. Streamline your AS2 EDI with one secure and scalable solution.

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Don't take our word for it... Cleo Integration Cloud was rated Best AS2 EDI Software of 2024

AS2, FTP, SFTP, and OFTP2 all in one place in the cloud so that you reduce costs, consolidate infrastructure, and improve operations and productivity. Data transformation capabilities let you communicate with a greater number of trading partners.

> Automate critical file-based processes with every trading partner

> Reduce manual touchpoints such as rekeying of documents

> Accelerate your cash cycle and eliminate errors 

Elevate your B2B data connectivity to new heights with CIC Gateway, Cleo's cloud-based B2B gateway solution.

CIC Gateway allows you to quickly instrument cloud-based file transfers, connecting all your trading partners to core business systems for complete automation, auditability, and control across every file transfer process.

CIC Gateway Diagram

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Frequently asked questions

What you need to know about the AS2 Protocol.

What is AS2?

AS2 (Applicability Statement 2) is a common protocol specification for securely and reliably transporting essential data over the internet.

The AS2 protocol, an upgrade from the original protocol (AS1) developed in the 1990s, allows for the encryption of messages (also known as AS2 messages) that are then exchanged with trading partners and vendors via HTTPS. The S/MIME format is used to construct these messages.

How does AS2 work?

To enable AS2 file transfer software connection you need two computers, a server and a client. Establishing a connection requires that both computers connect to the Internet via a point-to-point connection. In order to transmit the desired data, AS2 creates an ‘envelope’ that embeds secure transmission via the Internet using a combination of digital certificates and encryption. Want to understand EDI and AS2? This piece will help you learn the answer to questions like "What is AS2 EDI?"

Why use AS2?

AS2 is frequently chosen over other file transfer protocols (such as FTP or SFTP) by organizations due to how easily it enables them to meet regulatory compliance requirements as well as trading partner needs.

Benefits of AS2 & AS2 File Transfer Software

  • Complete encryption for sensitive files
  • Using digital signatures to authenticate senders and recipients
  • File integrity verification with successful transfer confirmation
  • Capability to send and receive file transfers of any volume or size
  • Support for synchronous or asynchronous MDN receipts is flexible
What is an AS2 MDN?

Message Disposition Notification (MDN) is an electronic acknowledgement of the successful reception of an AS2 transfer. MDNs are sent to the sender via AS2 after an electronic message has been sent, confirming that the message has been transmitted completely.
The MDN mainly checks two important events:

  1. Whether the AS2 transfer was successfully completed
  2. The message arrived at the desired recipient without change

Here is the 5 step process for establishing an AS2 MDN connection:

  1. The sender sends an encrypted EDI message with digital signature to the desired recipient
  2. Transmission of the EDI message over the Internet via AS2 (sending of the message)
  3. The message is decrypted by the recipient and the digital signature of the sender is verified
  4. The recipient prepares the requested MDN and applies a digital signature. It is then sent back to the sender
  5. The sender receives the MDN, verifying the digital signature of the recipient
What is an AS2 GLN?

Global Location Number (GLN) is a 13-digit number that uniquely identifies a company. Many large companies rely on the use of GLN numbers to prevent confusion between companies.

The GLN numbers are assigned by GS1, a central government agency, ensuring that no GLN number is assigned twice.

A brief history of AS2

The AS2 protocol was developed in the U.S. by the Uniform Code Council (UCC). Much of the success of AS2 certification exchange has been seen in America, notably in the retail sector.

A large influence behind the adoption of AS2 was in 2002 when retail giant Walmart mandated its 10,000 suppliers use AS2 EDI to exchange data.

Today, AS2 encryption is used widely across a large number of industries.

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